Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bob Medical Update - 6/1/17

Going into this appointment there was a lot of anxiety.  We knew my PSA was rising and I have been in quite a bit of pain in my hip and back, to the point where I haven't been able to sleep in the bed and just getting out of a chair could be an adventure.  The natural fear has been that is where the cancer was headed and it was going to affect me for Christy and Caleb's wedding.  

So what are the results?  PSA is 1.20, up from 1.00 six weeks ago and up from 0.83 from three months ago.  While that tells us cancer is growing someplace, the velocity of the cancer's growth has slowed.  Normally the cancer has doubled in size every 1-3 months; it's taking longer at this time.  So the drug Zytiga is having an impact.

Now for the surprise.  The scans showed no visible spots of cancer!!!  It's there, the PSA is not lying, but for the first time since coming to Mayo, it's small enough that we can't see it.  We were not expecting that!  Combine that news with the fact that suddenly the past couple days the pain in my hip has subsided and my back is feeling much better....let's just say it has been a really good day.  We still have 3.5 months to Christy and Caleb's wedding, but it sure does feel like God is answering prayers today!  It's been such a wonderful feeling that the tears have just started flowing for no reason a few times today.  I think that qualifies as one of those "moments" that this blog is meant to record and celebrate!  ðŸ˜Š

The scans did show degenerative activity at the L5/S1 area on my spine on the right side.  That is probably the source of my back/hip issues.  And all the the treatment areas on my bones show the effects of the treatment in the scans - this is hard on my bones.  Add on the weight gain from the Prednisone, and you have a better understanding why the doctors continue to tell me that my body has been through a lot and don't expect to do what I once did.  I see my local urologist on Monday so the plan is to have them do a bone density scan and compare to a previous one I have had.  Then take steps to try and strengthen the bones if needed.

I'm not back at Mayo for scans until late September after the wedding.  I do have to get my blood tested again in late July and results sent to Mayo.  Otherwise, the focus is on how to get healthy for a wedding celebration!

Sure is nice getting to share some happy health news for a change!  And God does answer prayers in His own way.  ðŸ˜Š

Health Update 10/4

It has been awhile since I have posted a health update and there has been lots going.  I had hoped to do a recap of summer fun first.  We...