Friday, September 29, 2017

Bob Medical Update 9/29/17

Results were not good this time.  PSA rose from 1.20 to 2.60 in four months.  The C11 Choline PET Scan found growing cancer spots in the following places:

  • Right femoral shaft (not previously imaged)
  • Left posterior iliac bone
  • Left 3rd rib
  • Left posterior 7th rib
  • Left 8th rib
  • Left 9th rib
  • Proximal right humerus
  • Left clavicle
  • Right coracoid process
  • Right acromion
  • Right scapula
  • Left C7
  • L2
  • L4
That's a lot of spots!!  More than can be gone after with a rifle approach like we have been doing with cryoablation and radiation.  The good news is that I am not currently feeling any pain from these spots.  The really good news is that the folks at Mayo Clinic aren't giving up on me yet and are adding Xofigo to the treatment regime to go after these spots.  What is Xofigo?  Based on the pamphlet we were given, Xofigo contains radioactive material radium 223.  Xofigo goes to rapidly growing areas in your bones, which includes bone metastases (cancer).  Radiation is released to kill the cancer cells while doing limited damage to nearby healthy cells.  The hope is that because the cancer spots are still relatively small that the treatment will be effective.

Xofigo is given through six infusions, one per month.  My blood has to be checked prior to each infusion because one of the side effects is low blood counts (along with stomach things like nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting).  Blood was checked today, we are checking on insurance coverage, and if all goes well, I receive my first infusion next Friday, October 6.  Prior to the 4th infusion, we will repeat scans and blood work to see what progress is being made.

So how am I feeling about this?  A lot better now than I was going into the appointment.  I have this habit of looking at the PSA and other blood results prior to the appointment because they are usually available online.  The PSA was a big jump.  Then I saw the list of spots on the report we were given at the appointment and things certainly weren't getting better.  But after seeing the cancer spot sizes and still having a treatment plan to move forward and fight back, I am feeling better.  A beer tonight and a bike ride tomorrow, both with friends, and life is good.  God continues to bless us!  Thursday marked eleven years since I was told I had cancer.  Despite having cancer that long, two weeks ago I got to walk my daughter down the aisle at her and Caleb's wedding.  Thank you God and thank you to all of the medical professionals God has used to keep me around!!!  The journey continues.

Speaking of medical professionals, one is leaving the team.  Susan MacDowell is a physcian's assistant on Dr. Kwon's team and she is going to retire from Mayo and move to California.  Words cannot express how helpful she has been on this journey the past three years.  Both Mary and I are going to miss her!  Best wishes Susan!!  And yes Dr. Kwon, we are grateful that you are still going to be around!  😊

"Wheel Em In" Weekend Fun

I love to ride bike and have really come to appreciate that the best bike rides happen when surrounded by friends; that's when "moments" are made.  I belong to a casual bike riding group in Rochester called "Outspokin'".  Last year I decided to try and bring the success of that group home to Little Falls by starting a similar group with Little Falls friends.  The group was named "Wheel Em In" and we had a number of group rides.  Things went well enough that by the fall we decided to do a weekend of riding down around Lanesboro and stayed in Rochester.  Some members of the Outspokin' Group joined us as well. It was such a fun weekend that planning for a similar adventure this year started soon after.

Members of Outspokin' and Wheel Em In ride together on the
Root River Trail by Lanesboro.
The eventual plan was to bike in Minneapolis, a new adventure for most, and camp at Baker Campground in Maple Plain on September 22-24.  The weather forecast of rain had us considering cancelling right up to the day before.  But the forecast eventually changed enough that we decided to move forward, despite the fact that near record heat was now being forecast as well.  The planning time that I put into this adventure may have had an impact on the decision to proceed as well.  😉

Kneelands and Pikals were in tent campers.

Sitzmans and Melissa were in tents for the weekend.
We were very impressed with Baker Campground!
It was early evening on Friday by the time everyone got set up at the campground so we decided to have a late supper at McGarry's Pub in Maple Plain.  The food was so good that by Saturday afternoon we would decide that we would go back again that night.  The Shepard Pie comes highly recommended!!  The other dishes were pretty good too.

Melissa, Helen, Wayne, Kurt, Lori, me, and Mary escaping the heat
and enjoying some wonderful Irish food and beverages.

The bike ride on Saturday started at Minnehaha Falls, took us along Minnehaha Parkway to Lakes Harriet and Calhoun, then returned to our starting point via the Midtown Greenway.  Believe it or not, there is some beautiful bike riding to be done in the Twin Cities!

Our planned route.  We shortened it slightly because of the heat.

Lake Harriet.  Who would believe
that it would be warm enough for swimming in late September??

We stopped at the bandshell by Lake Harriet for some lunch and to get refreshed by the cool breeze coming off the lake. Then finished the rest of the ride.  The heat started affecting us on the second half of the ride but everyone made it back safely.  And everyone would go back and ride that route again!  😃

Wayne and I also got a nap in!

Mary and I after the ride at Minnehaha Falls.
Back at McGarry's Pub for supper, beverages, and socializing.  Somehow we got on to a discussion of meditation.  Which led to a discussion of meditation posses.  Which resulted in the picture below.

Finishing meditation and ready to dispense
my type of wisdom.  😈

The evening ended with the group gathering around the campfire.  Fortunately a weather front had come through earlier, cooling things down without dropping any rain.

Sunday morning we gathered to attend Sunday Mass. Ever notice how couples tend to dress alike, usually without intending to?  We had three couples do it at the same time!

We had to get a picture of this - Pikal's are in the blue shirts, Mary and I managed to
wear peach colored shirts, Kneelands in blue shirts and blue jeans.

A beautiful Sunday afternoon on the shores of Lake Independence.
It almost didn't happen but we ended up having a great weekend!  Baker Campground was excellent, everyone enjoyed the adventure of biking in Minneapolis, and best of all, the time spent with friends was precious.  More "moments" to cherish!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dreams Do Come True

Christy and Caleb's wedding day - September 16, 2017.  So many dreams to be fulfilled, so many precious moments to be experienced.  True for Christy and Caleb, true for me since so much has been done to keep me around for the possibility of this day.  Possibility has turned into reality; dreams have come true!!!!

Let's relive the day.  😃

The morning started out bright and early decorating at the Falls Ballroom; the theme fell into place nicely.

"Tale as old as time..."

"...Beauty and the Beast"
After a quick trip home to get cleaned up and dressed, it was off to St. Mary's Church.  The musicians were already practicing when we arrived and the flowers were ready to be distributed.

Nancy Kapsner with Helen and Wayne Pikal
getting some practice time in.

Rain had been in the forecast but fortunately it held off long enough so pictures could be taken at Maple Island Park, just a few blocks from the church.

The wedding party down by Maple Island

A little insanity overtook the group.
Must have been the chilly air causing it.  😊

The mothers, Mary and Tracey, waited patiently.

The Jester Family:  Chris, Caleb, Christy, Tracey, and Kahlan
The Sitzman Family:  Me, Caleb, Christy, and Mary

A kiss on the bald spots from my son-in-law.
It was finally time for the main event. Caleb escorted Mary, then Tracey and Chris to their places.  Then Fr. Joe started the procession of bridesmaids/groomsmen, flower girl, and ring bearers.

Mary and Tracey lighting the candles used by Christy and Caleb to light the Unity Candle.

Best Man and Maid of Honor.
So happy that our "French daughter" was able to be part of the day.

Now it was time for the first dream come true:  I got to walk the daughter that I love so much down the aisle and hand her off to the love of her life to start their new life together.

I did a better job of avoiding tears than Christy did.  😍

and hugs!

The joining of their hands.
Time for Christy and Caleb to become husband and wife.

Such a blessing to have Fr. Joe with us!
The second dream come true:  Christy marries the man of her dreams, Caleb Jester.

Exchange of vows.

The kiss!

Christy and Caleb Jester - the journey begins!
After greeting everyone after Mass, it was off to the Falls Ballroom for the reception, dinner, and dance!

Early in the celebration we shared the remaining bottle of liquor from our wedding over
thirty years ago.  Don't remember Five Star Brandy tasting that good!

The "Glorious" grand entrance.  Not sure how professional wrestling...
...ties into the "Beauty and the Beast" theme, but it was a fun time!

At meal time, friend Marty filled in for Fr. Joe in leading the prayer.

The meal and the company were excellent!

Mr. and Mrs. Jester give thanks.
Dance time and more dreams come true.

The first dance.

The Father-Daughter dance... "Have I Told You Lately" by Rod Stewart.

Mother - Son dance.

The winners of the longest married couple dance:
My Aunt Clara and Uncle Vern.

Lots of dancing!

Another dream come true:  to celebrate our daughter's wedding with family and friends!

The Sitzman Siblings:  Rene', Ken, Doug, Bob, Chip

There was so much more to this day that I don't have pictures for at the time of this writing.  I would especially love to include more pics of family and friends.  We knew the day would go quickly; family and friends did not receive the time that Mary and I wanted to spend with them.  Thank you to everyone who had anything to do with this day!

Not too many fathers of the bride get to be as big of a part of the wedding preparation as I have been.  Once again cancer provided blessings - I had the time to give to be involved.  I got to help pick Christy's wedding dress.  I got to create and produce the wedding invites (with help from Christy and Mary).  I created checklists and tried to keep preparations on track.  (Even though I was told I should keep pushing, I know I got on people's nerves a few times.)  I was also able to serve as Eucharistic Minister for my own daughter's wedding.  The result was a day that I don't know how it could have gone better; Christy and Caleb's journey is off to a great start!

Thank you Mary for being on this journey with me!  Thank you Tracey and Chris for raising such an amazing son!  Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of this and packing in so many "moments to take your breath away"!  Keep dreaming everyone - dreams do come true!!!

Proud parents!!!

Health Update 10/4

It has been awhile since I have posted a health update and there has been lots going.  I had hoped to do a recap of summer fun first.  We...